Saturday, May 8, 2010

SYTYC Teacher Gift

Wow! I was all set to "go home" and then made it through...barely...there were some dang cute crafts last week! I have to say that I really, really loved this one:

This one is not mine, just the one I voted for...I am not sure who did it yet, but I am totally coveting this...I must make one to go in my craft room, to keep all my glue, rulers, thread, etc in....I may need two!

I was suprised mine was the only one that actually involved the student/child.

It seems a teachers to do list is endless: Grade papers, Call parents, Meet with the principal, and on, and on...!

So lets give teacher a special place to write all those endless to do lists, sketch out lesson plans and jot down a quick note...

with a custom made composition notebook cover.

Having your child design and draw a special picture of his/her teacher

will make him/her proud to give their teacher this one of a kind gift. And the teacher will love the unique and reusable gift, when the notebooks full all she has to do is slip off the cover and slip it on an empty notebook.

You will be surprised how easily and quickly this cute cover comes may just end up making one for yourself, cause lets face it, us moms and dads are pretty busy too!

It may not have won, but my kids teachers LOVED it!!

Plus, I think it would be way cute to do for grandma/nana for mothers day....wonder if I have time to make a one before tomorrow?? Probably not, seeings how I am headed out the door to play floral arranger for my mom, Rosy Cheeks who is a florsit by trade. Its going to be along day!


chris said...

This is a fabulous idea. It would be a great mom's day gift. So glad we get to see more of your ideas next week!

shauna said...

I loved your craft idea! I can't wait to try and make something like this for my kids' teachers.

Lynette said...

This was a great idea! So cute that it's personalized!